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Hair Restoration Services

The Hair transplant procedure is a time proven surgery that utilizes a basic principle: hair from the safe zone (back and sides of the scalp) is genetically programmed in a different way than the hair found on the top of the scalp and maintains these special characteristics even after being transplanted to the bald spot. The biology has not changed. What has changed is the way we perform hair restoration.

middle aged man with full head of hair

About the FUE Method

With the advent of the new FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction ) method, ugly scars on the back of the scalp and prolonged, painful recovery time are no longer feared side effects, as was often the case with the older FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) procedures. Initially a cumbersome and very limited procedure, FUE proved the test of time and has now become a mainstream choice. The new automatic technologies have created amazing results for patients. New Horizons was a pioneer of the Neograft procedure in the USA. We first introduced this method to the Midwest back in 2009. Since then, we have performed hundreds of these minimally invasive hair restoration procedures.

The field of FUE hair restoration was even further advanced by the development of robotic hair transplantation. Again, Dr. Gregory Turowski became one of the first leaders in utilizing this space age technology for hair transplantation. Our ARTAS robot was one of the first sold around the world. Thus, Dr. Gregory Turowski and his team are one of the most experienced in the world. We performed hundreds of FUE transplants and limit our practice to FUE procedures. We are one of the few centers in the world that offer both ARTAS robotic hair transplantation and automated Neograft technology.

Experience Matters

  • Most comprehensive and experienced FUE hair restoration center in the Midwest
  • Offers cutting edge ARTAS ® robotic hair restoration AND Neograft® automated hair transplantation
  • We were the first center in Chicago and the Midwest to introduce the Neograft system and have the longest and greatest experience with this technology
  • We are the first center in the Midwest and 5th in the world to offer the cutting edge ARTAS robotic FUE transplantation technology
  • We utilize various donor sites, all without scars– we can transplant hair from not only the back of the scalp, but also other parts of the body such as from your chest, arms, legs, beard, etc.
  • We can design a minimally invasive procedure that is best for you by utilizing the best technology on the market
  • We can reconstruct and cover strip donor-site scars
  • We can cover balding spots and any traumatic or chemotherapy defects
  • We treat all types of patients: Caucasians, African Americans , Asians, Men and Women
  • We are recognized as an “ARTAS Center of Clinical Excellence” by the Restoration Robotics company – together with a selected few centers in the world that are leaders in robotic hair restoration! In order to achieve this status, a center must be able to perform ARTAS Procedures with the following performance criteria: procedures of ≥ 2000 grafts, follicle transection rates of ≤ 10%, harvest yields of ≥85%, and harvest speeds of 700 grafts/hr.

Hair Transplant FAQ

  • It is well-accepted that FUE hair transplants heal faster, with less discomfort and swelling than linear-harvest procedures which use a scalpel and require stitches.
  • With FUE, once healing is complete (within 5 days), the patient has the option of wearing a very short haircut, without the worry of a tell-tale linear scar for life. Scars from FUE procedures are typically not detectable. In very rare cases, some scarring may appear as very small and not conspicuous dots on the back of the scalp.
  • No need for stitches or staples, the downtime is shorter with fewer post-operative activity restrictions.
  • Much less swelling and pain than STRIP. You can be back in the gym in just 5 days!
  • No painful scars and no loss of sensation on the back of the head.
  • Almost everyone is a good candidate (unless one prefers to have long, ugly scars on the back of their head)!
  • Specifically, patients who would like the option of wearing a short haircut in the back or sides of their scalp, or those who want the least amount of activity restrictions (e.g. athletes, professionals) after their hair transplant procedure, may be great candidates for FUE. So, in reality, who would rather have a permanent scar and pain versus no scar and minimal pain? The story of the FUE transplant is similar to gallbladder surgery – no patient wants a long scar instead of laparoscopic pinholes.

The fees for FUE hair transplant procedures are usually higher than strip surgery. This reflects the more detailed and intricate nature of these procedures compared to those performed with a linear harvest. Generally, the FUE procedure is more costly than the STRIP but it has major advantages – no scar to worry about and speedy, painless recovery. The ARTAS robot is more expensive than the Neograft due to the cost of the technology involved but has countless advantages.

Final results can be similar. ARTAS and Neograft procedures now both have a very large track record not only in our clinic but also elsewhere. Dr. Gregory Turowski has performed hundreds FUE procedures at New Horizons.

FUE procedures, by default, yield grafts that contain mainly one, two, three, or four follicles called “follicular units.” FUT Linear harvests, which are then dissected by a team of technicians into grafts of one, two or three follicles, would also yield similar ‘follicular-unit’ grafts. However, in theory, such “dissections” may lead to more injuries. During FUE harvests, there is no need for these dissections unless large numbers of single grafts are required.

Yes. Because FUE is a minimally-invasive procedure, it is a viable option for both men and women looking to restore their own living and growing hair with transplantation. We are utilizing both ARTAS and Neograft technology on men and women.

Contact Us Today for $500 off Your Hair Transplant Procedure

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